Hydrogen Bromide

Hydrogen bromide is an inorganic compound with a chemical formula of HBr and a molecular weight of 80.91. It is a colorless gas with standard conditions and is the basic raw material for chemical synthesis.


Hydrogen bromide is obtained as a by-product during the bromination of organic compounds such as bromomethane.
Gas Hydrogen bromide
CAS No. 10035-10-6
Purity 99.999%



Hydrogen bromide is used both as a reagent and as a catalyst in a variety of organic reactions. It is also used for the preparation of numerous inorganic bromides.


Hydrogen bromide is also used for hydrobromination (chemical and pharmaceutical industries) and halogen lamps (so called “iodine” automobile headlights, electrostatic photocopy machine lamp, etc).


Hydrogen bromide is used in the manufacturing of semiconductors as an etchant.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: What’s the specification can you supply?

Cylinder: 10L Valve: DISS634 Content: 10kg
Cylinder: 47L Valve: DISS634 Content: 50kg


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