All The Gas You Need Is Here
Nitrogen is produced in large quantities at air separation plants which liquefy and subsequently distil air into nitrogen…
Nitrogen (3N)
Nitrogen is produced in large quantities at air separation plants which liquefy and subsequently distil air into nitrogen…
Oxygen is obtained on a commercial scale by the liquefaction and subsequent distillation of
Oxygen (2N2)
Oxygen is obtained on a commercial scale by the liquefaction and subsequent distillation of
The industrially used ethylene production methods include petroleum hydrocarbon cracking
Ammonia (3N)
Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber-Bosch process, consisting of a direct reaction…
Octafluorocyclobutane can be produced by the dimerization of tetrafluoroethylene through pyrolysis…
Silane is produced by the reduction of silicon tetrachloride by metal hydrides…
Argon (4N)
The most common source of argon is an air separation plant. Air contains approx…
Tetraethyl Orthosilicate
TEOS is obtained by esterification of silicon tetrachloride and ethanol at…
Sulfur Hexafluoride
Sulphur hexafluoride is manufactured by direct fluorination of pure (elemental) Sulphur…
Tetraethyl Orthosilicate (9N)
TEOS is obtained by esterification of silicon tetrachloride and ethanol at…
Silane (6N)
Silane is produced by the reduction of silicon tetrachloride by metal hydrides…
Oxygen (2N2)
Oxygen is obtained on a commercial scale by the liquefaction and subsequent distillation of
Oxygen (5N)
Oxygen is obtained on a commercial scale by the liquefaction and subsequent distillation of
Nitrogen (5N)
Nitrogen is produced in large quantities at air separation plants which liquefy and subsequently distil air into nitrogen…
Nitrogen (3N)
Nitrogen is produced in large quantities at air separation plants which liquefy and subsequently distil air into nitrogen…
Hydrogen (6N)
Hydrogen is most frequently produced for on-site usage by steam reforming of natural gas. Such plants may also
Carbon Dioxide (5N)
Carbon dioxide is recovered from many different sources. It is obtained as an…
Carbon Dioxide (3N)
Carbon dioxide is recovered from many different sources. It is obtained as an…
Argon (6N)
The most common source of argon is an air separation plant. Air contains approx…
Argon (5N)
The most common source of argon is an air separation plant. Air contains approx…
Argon (4N)
The most common source of argon is an air separation plant. Air contains approx…

Mixture Gases
Gas Supply Solution
Cylinder Gas
For customers with small volume of gas or need to move during operation, we can provide the cylinder gas supply that can meet the needs of customers in each production process. The supply of these gases can be delivered by our professional transportation team through the packaging form of cylinder, MCP dewar, etc.

Bulk Gas
For the customers with large gas volume, JinHong Gas can provide the liquid supply. We provide a safe and reliable supply of large quantities of liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, liquid argon, liquid carbon dioxide, helium and hydrogen, which are transported to the customer site for use through special low temperature liquid tank or tube trailer.